
桑德曼总统研讨会是以受人尊敬的政治学教授的名字命名的, Fred Sondermann, who taught at CC from 1953 until his untimely death in 1978. 桑德曼是一位传奇的教师和全国公认的学者,他为大学项目做出了许多创造性的贡献. 他构思了总统研讨会的想法,并于1968年主持了第一次研讨会. 他的目的是讨论当前的政治问题,但也分析总统在现代美国政治中的作用, both domestic and foreign. 研讨会的成功使得政治科学系承诺在随后的总统选举年举办一次总统研讨会. Sondermann continued to direct them through 1976.  

2024年桑德曼总统研讨会是该系列的第15届,已成为大学的标志性项目, drawing a broad range of scholars, journalists, and political figures including Newt Gingrich, David Axelrod, Gwen Ifill, Marc Hetherington, Jamelle Bouie, Donna Brazile, John Kasich, and many others. 今年的研讨会将与数学系副教授、博士、博士等共同举办活动. Beth Malmskog, Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr.来自CC和其他高等教育机构的专家小组.  

桑德曼总统研讨会是由弗雷德A. Sondermann纪念基金,McHugh基金,以及Marianne Lannon Lopat纪念讲座基金.

2024 Sondermann Presidential Symposium Events


Monday, September 23, 2024 | 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Beth Malmskog

Join us for the Block 2 First Monday, "Colorado in Context: Democracy, Representation, Fairness, and Math.CC副教授Beth Malmskog将讨论数学如何帮助识别和防止党派不公正划分,并分享她的研究小组在科罗拉多州2021年重新划分过程中为公平地图所做的工作. 我们还将简要介绍数学对于追求更好的表现的其他方式的看法, including alternative voting methods and multi-member districts. Math can offer surprising insights into democracy and fairness. 

Dr. Beth Malmskog is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at CC. Before joining the college in 2017, she was an Assistant Professor at Villanova University, a Visiting Assistant Professor at CC, 也是卫斯理大学范·弗莱克客座助理教授. She earned her PhD with Dr. 科罗拉多州立大学的Rachel Pries,她的研究重点是算术几何, number theory, combinatorics, coding theory, and cryptography, as well as mathematical aspects of fair redistricting.  

Malmskog is passionate about teaching and talking about math. 她共同领导了一个数学圈,并在格拉特福德(现在的凤凰城)州立惩教所教授文科数学, near Philadelphia, PA. 她现在是CC惩教设施文科项目的一员, teaching at the Youthful Offender System institution in Pueblo, Colorado.

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Thursday, October 3, 2024 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Dr. Eddie Glaude, Jr.

请和我们一起聆听受人尊敬的作家和政治评论员. Eddie Glaude Jr. 呈现了一幅种族与民主的图景,这幅图景受到时事的影响,并以非裔美国人的历史为框架. Bearing witness to the difficult truth in our country today, Dr. Glaude lays bare the tangled web of race, trauma, and memory, and what we all must ask of ourselves to call forth a new America. Along the way, Dr. 格劳德分享了一些关于想象力变革力量的故事. “我们必须抵制那些敦促我们安于现状、呼吁我们想象一个更美好世界的声音,” Dr. Glaude says.

Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr. is an author, political commentator, public intellectual, 他是一位充满激情的教育家,研究美国经历的复杂动态. He is the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor, 普林斯顿大学非裔美国人研究系前主任, and a member of the Morehouse College Board of Trustees. He frequently appears in the media, as a columnist for TIME Magazine and as an MSNBC contributor.

Glaude’s writings include Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul and In a Shade of Blue: Pragmatism and the Politics of Black America. His most recent book, 重新开始:詹姆斯·鲍德温的《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》, takes a wide look at Black communities, the difficulties of race in the United States, and the challenges we face as a democracy.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Wesley Lowery

请和我们一起聆听普利策奖得主记者韦斯利·洛厄讨论“建设多种族民主”.在20世纪60年代,塞尔玛的民权游行者创造了一个多种族的民主国家. For the first time in American history, democratic participation was not limited based on racial caste. 在此后的半个世纪里,我们的国家一直在努力解决它想成为什么样的人的问题. 我们是否愿意接受我们作为一个多种族民主国家的新地位, 还是我们想回到种族等级制度,就像我们历史上大部分时间所经历的那样? 洛厄里将就在本土主义和种族分裂抬头的背景下建立多种族民主的工作发表讲话, 看看这一时刻独特的紧张局势,以及它们与美国历史上类似时期的对应关系. 

韦斯利·洛厄里(Wesley Lowery)是美国在种族和正义问题上的主要记者之一. He is the executive editor of The Investigative Reporting Workshop, 纽约市立大学纽马克新闻研究生院的驻院记者, and a contributing editor at The Marshall Project. He began his career covering politics but was sent to Ferguson, Mo. in 2014 to cover the police killing of Michael Brown for the Washington Post. In the years since, he’s chronicled the early years of the Black Lives Matter movement, writing a bestselling book and launching Fatal Force, 这是一个获得普利策奖的实时全国数据库,记录被警察枪杀的人.

洛厄里领导并参与了调查美国主要城市未解决的杀人案的项目, what happens to fired police officers, repeat offender criminal defendants, fentanyl overdoses in major cities, 未能抓住美国历史上最致命的连环杀手, and what happens to people who are shot by the police and survive. His latest book, American Whitelash这本书记录了自奥巴马当选以来白人至上主义暴力事件的上升.

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Sondermann Presidential Symposium - Decoding the 2024 Election

Thursday, November 7, 2024 | 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.



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