
我们鼓励 students to further their interests in the social 和 political challenges of living in the Rocky Mountain West. 学生 embark on inter-disciplinary investigations around the region to discover the possibilities for balancing human activity without spoiling the natural environment.




9月13日星期五: 在沃纳中心举行的宴会. 第一年免费张贴海报! Come ask us about job 机会 和 everything State of the Rockies does!



  • Block 2: anthrogenic第三版发布!!
  • 第三部分:复古海报比赛揭幕仪式(赢得最高700美元!)
  • 第四部分:工作申请开放!
  • 块表事件在Worner!



Check out the 2023 Public L和s Survey 和 Waldo Canyon Student Collaborative Re搜索 (SCoRe) Program Posters!




I’m sad to say this is the last year I will be Director of the 落基山脉项目.  We are currently in the process of finding a new Director whose transition into the position will begin this fall. 的 last three years have been such a joy for me working with our Project Specialist Cyndy海恩斯 和 the student fellows 和 re搜索ers. 作为即将离任的董事, I want to highlight our many accomplishments of the previous three years 和 also say a huge thank you to Cyndy for her innovation 和 drive to exp和 State of the Rockies to engage more students than ever before, to our CC students for being incredible re搜索ers 和 creative partners, to our CC colleagues for their support of - 和 involvement with - our many projects, 和 to the William 和 Flora Hewlett Foundation for providing the funding that allowed us to grow this program.

I’m pleased to say our re搜索 和 projects over the past three years have been fruitful, 和 we have achieved many accomplishments including: journal, 杂志, 以及在线出版物和播客, presenting 纸s 和 posters at national conferences, participating in the annual 科罗拉多大学 SCoRE Re搜索 Symposium, hosting the annual 西投票站的环境保护, 和 teaching Rockies courses on specific topics related to the Rocky Mountain West, 在许多其他正在进行的项目中. Please see our detailed list of accomplishments.

We are also proud to say our 科罗拉多大学 50th reunion graduating class of 1972 chose the 落基山脉项目 as the focus of its ‘giving back’ fundraising campaign. 这次活动筹集了130多美元,000 to create an Endowed Fund for State of the Rockies Student 研究员hips. 

的 State of the Rockies has been a major highlight of my time at CC, 和 I will be forever grateful for this experience. I look forward to seeing what the future holds 和 w在这里 it will take our students!


Karina (Kat) Miller-Stevens博士
经济学副教授 & 业务


Publications in Journals, Magazines, Online Media, 和 Podcasts

  • 人为,这是一本数字和印刷杂志. 2023年夏季版可以找到 在这里,编辑: 艾莉森·穆勒-希克勒(26届), 梅西·麦考利(24岁)妮可·克雷格黑德(26岁), 拉菲·多诺霍(24届), 还有Cyndy海恩斯. 可以找到2022年秋季版 在这里,编辑: Samwel Makayo (’25), Delia Freliech (’22), Eric Ingram (’22) 还有Cyndy海恩斯.
  • 播客系列:由火锻造,2023年.

视频描述: A podcast about wildfire in the American west in 2023, 和 the way communities are responding by 亨利·霍德(1924年), Corey Hutchins, 还有Cyndy海恩斯, 2023.

Episode 1 Description: An introduction to the current state of wildfire in the American west, 以及我们能做些什么来帮助他们.  

Episode 2 Description: 的 story of two towns. 都面临毁灭性的野火. 以下是他们的回应.  

Episode 3 Description: For the Battin's, fighting wildfire is a family affair.  

  • 城堡岩:然后 & 现在”, Water Resources 和 Climate Change, by Anna Sofia Vera (’22) 和 Diellza Muriqi (’22), D. Freliech, Cyndy海恩斯, 和马特·库尼, 2021.
  • 保护我们的星座凯蒂·乔斯林(Katie Joslyn)和辛迪·海恩斯(Cyndy海恩斯)的作品, 2021.

 Papers 和 Posters Presented at National Conferences


石油 & 气体:

  • “A preliminary analysis of opinions on the oil 和 gas industry through the Annual Conservation in the West Survey” by Zoraiz Zafar (’24), Saigopal Rangaraj(23届), Mustafa Sameen(25年), Zoey Roueche(23届), 还有Katrina (Kat) Miller-Stevens.
  • “为什么这么情绪化?? An exploration of the use of emotional advocacy in nonprofit organizations influencing oil 和 gas regulation” by Katrina (Kat) Miller-Stevens, Jason Machado (University of 科罗拉多州 Denver), 夏洛特·图古德(24年), 蕾拉·哈吉(25年), 博士和. Jonathan Pierce (University of 科罗拉多州 Denver) with ack现在ledgments to Micah Arrison (’23), Willow Ma(24届)和Haley Harnisch(24届).


  • “Working together: A governance perspective of payments for water-based ecosystem services collaboratives” by Katrina (Kat) Miller-Stevens, Mark Eiswerth (University of Northern 科罗拉多州), 伊万·亨德森(24届), Samwel Makyao(24届).
  • “挑战, 机会, 和 practices in payments for water-based ecosystem services: Results of a survey of program managers” by Mark Eiswerth (University of Northern 科罗拉多州), Katrina (Kat) Miller-Stevens, 伊万·亨德森(24届), Samwel Makyao(24届).


  • “Light pollution keywords: Stories, relationships, 和 impacts” by
    Nathalie San Fratello (’25) 还有Cyndy海恩斯.
  • Big starry skies: A State of the Rockies virtual exhibit” by Sarah Bedell (’24) Dark Skies Artist in Resident 还有Cyndy海恩斯.
  • “Light pollution: A threat to biodiversity” by Guanyi Yang (CC Economics & 商业)和Natalia Segovia-Soto(25年).
  • “Contingent behavior modeling for dark skies valuation at Great S和 Dunes National Park” by Guanyi Yang (CC Economics & 业务), Mark Eiswerth (University of Northern 科罗拉多州), 利亚姆·穆伦(25届), 和 本·斯莱特(26届) with ack现在ledgment to Willow Ma (‘24), 雅各布·麦克杜格尔(24届), Avery Morgan (UNC student) 和 Duaa Nakshb和i (UNC student).
  • “From brightness to burden: 的 impact of night light pollution on infant health” by Guanyi Yang (CC Economics & 业务), Mark Eiswerth (University of Northern 科罗拉多州), 本·斯莱特(26届), 和 Ella Reese-Clauson (‘26) (with ack现在ledgment to Willow Ma (‘24), 塞尔吉奥·埃尔南德斯(26年).


  • “的 re-establishment of a Ponderosa pine forest: a multiple-scale twenty-year retrospect of the Waldo Canyon fire, 科罗拉多州by 悉尼·莫里斯(24年), 夏洛特·普利多(Charlotte Pulido)(24届), 克里斯·布里奇(24届), 的o Ollier(26届), 利亚姆·凯利(25届), Cyndy海恩斯, 和马特·库尼.
  • Climate Change 和 Wester Forest fires Artists in Residence:
    • Height 和 size does not reveal age”, Waldo Canyon, 科罗拉多州 by Maren Greene (’24) 还有Cyndy海恩斯, Photography project.
    • Ponderosa pine webs, Waldo Canyon, 科罗拉多州, by 奥利·贝兰德(25届)和辛迪·海恩斯, 摄影与纤维项目.


  • “Exploratory model of CO2 emissions to estimate the carbon footprint of public l和s visitors” by Jesus Lara Rivas (’25) 还有Cyndy海恩斯.
  • “On the outside, in the outside” by Brigitte Arcoite (‘24) 还有Cyndy海恩斯.
  • "反思敬畏"由 莉莉·弗罗斯特(26届)和辛迪·海恩斯.


  • 透过电影进行气候调查:
    • “Environmental film: An ethnographic study” by 凯蒂·查普曼(24届)和辛迪·海恩斯.
    • “Rootbound奥黛丽·科尔金(Audrey Colgin, 1923年), 丹尼尔·德·科宁(23届), 马坦菲尔兹(26年), 查理·马克斯(26届), 萨达·舒曼(Sada Schumann), 梅勒妮·谢伊(22届), 亚伦·帕特森(12届), 还有Cyndy海恩斯.

Re搜索 Presented at the Annual 科罗拉多大学 SCoRE Re搜索 Symposium

In 2021:

 In 2022:

 In 2023:


  • 共享 西投票站的环境保护 data with academics, news media, 和 students through our Data Viz website, 由Cyndy海恩斯协调和监督.
  • 展示落基山脉的状态 橙色天空学生照片 in the 图书馆的资料 和 the 科罗拉多州 Springs Pioneers Museum, 由Cyndy海恩斯协调和监督.
  • 协调我们的年度 复古海报比赛学生摄影比赛,由Cyndy海恩斯领导. Our students’ State of the Rockies Vintage Posters were displayed at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt during Dr. Sarah Hautzinger和Myra Jackson的班级 旅行.


In 2019:

  • GS233: Topics in Journalism: Environmental Journalism in the Rocky Mountain West: Changing Climates: Changing Lives, 由客座教授布鲁斯·芬利授课, 丹佛邮报》.

In 2021:

  • EC/BU110: Topics in Economics 和 业务: Nonprofit Advocacy, taught by Kat Miller-Stevens.

In 2022:

  • BU110 / EV260人, 地球, 和 the Environment: 的 石油 和 Gas Industry, taught by Kat Miller-Stevens 和 Jonathan Pierce (University of 科罗拉多州 Denver).
  • GS233 Topics in Journalism: A Writer’s Field Guide to 科罗拉多州 Springs, 以落基山脉为特色, taught by 访问ing Assistant Professor Dot Devota.

In 2023:

  • EV261 Topics in Environmental Humanities: Environment 和 climate journalism: True stories of people in the natural world, 布鲁斯·芬利教授, 丹佛邮报》.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/04/2024

2024 Conservation in the West Survey Results







