Test-Optional Policy

All students, both domestic and international, 是否可以选择不将考试作为申请的一部分,并自行决定是否希望将标准化考试成绩用于入学申请. At Colorado College, 无论是在录取过程中还是在课堂上,学生从来没有被当作数字来对待, implemented in 2019, strengthens that commitment. 我们的考试选择政策允许我们的团队确定最合格的入学候选人,同时也增加了第一代入学的机会, low-income, and traditionally underserved students.

招生办公室在审查入学申请时坚持采用全面的方法, 仔细权衡成功和学生潜力的定量和定性指标. Each applicant's academic performance, their record of personal accomplishments, 在我们的综合审查和选择过程中,我们会考虑他们对社区的参与和贡献程度.

CC's philosophy on submitting testing

我们相信让学生与我们分享最能代表他们学术能力和潜力的信息. Standardized test scores are not required for admission. 你可以选择将SAT或ACT成绩作为申请的一部分. However, 赌博正规的十大网站不会惩罚提交考试成绩的学生,只会在提高录取机会的情况下使用这些成绩. 如果你申请可选考试或提交的分数不能加强你的申请, we will place greater emphasis on your academic performance. Test scores, if submitted, are only part of a comprehensive, 全面的评估也包括对个人成就的仔细评估, community involvement, and writing.

你可能会发现回顾一下我们制作的关于非考试录取的短视频是有帮助的 App Advice series:

More Information

English Language Proficiency Exams for International Students:


如果申请的学校不是以英语为主要教学语言, English is not your first language, 和/或您不是国际文凭课程(IBDP)的学生, 强烈建议申请人提交英语水平分数 Duolingo English Test (DET). If you need a fee waiver for the exam, please email admission@fitgreenlife.com.

In addition to the DET, we will also accept:

  • InitialView or Vericant interviews
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
    • iBT exam: recommended score of 100 or higher
    • ITP考试:强烈建议提交这些分数的学生提交一次initialview或Vericant面试。.
  • 皮尔逊学术英语测试(PTE):推荐成绩68分或更高
  • 国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS):推荐成绩7分.0 or higher

赌博正规的十大网站考虑的是所有英语水平考试中单次考试的最高分数. We have no minimum scores that would automatically eliminate an application; we provide these recommended scores as context for applicants. Please contact admission@fitgreenlife.com 询问问题,并联系你的大学辅导员,以获得除DET以外的所有英语水平考试的费用减免.

Selecting a testing policy

申请人将被提示选择主申请(通用申请)的测试政策, QuestBridge Application, Apply Coalition powered by Scoir) or its supplement. The prompt will be:


  • Yes, I want my standardized test scores considered for admission
  • 不,我不希望入学时考虑我的标准化考试成绩

如果申请人表示他们“不希望”考虑分数, the relevant sections of the application (test score dashboard, testing materials) will not be visible to application reviewers.

Test score reporting

招生委员会将继续允许学生自行报告主申请(通用申请)的标准化测试, QuestBridge Application, Coalition Application). 自我报告的考试成绩不会出现在您申请赌博正规的十大网站的PDF预览中. 通用申请表上的考试成绩在您申请时以电子方式传输给CC,并根据您选择的首选测试计划单独添加到您的申请文件中.

此外,您可以将自我报告的标准化考试成绩发送到 admission@fitgreenlife.com. After you apply, 您也可以通过此地址向我们发送电子邮件,选择加入或退出测试政策.


Evaluation without test scores

招生委员会将仔细考虑申请人的学术准备(成绩), course selection, course rigor, counselor evaluation, teacher recommendations) as well as the personal statement, supplement responses, and school/community involvement.

由于选择可选测试策略,不会对应用程序评估产生负面影响. Students who opt not to submit testing at time of application, 招生委员会不会对这一选择做出任何假设, 在我们的整体评估方法中,学生将得到平等的考虑.

Evaluation with test scores

许多学生认为他们的考试成绩准确而积极地反映了他们的学术能力,并对成就和潜力给出了更全面的看法. We will continue to evaluate all applicants, including those who choose to submit their test scores, in a holistic manner. We do not use an arbitrary cutoff point for admission consideration, and test scores are not the ultimate deciding factor in our process. They do, however, 继续被视为一种标准化的衡量标准,可以为招生委员会提供有用的信息.

Merit scholarship eligibility

无论考试政策如何,所有申请人都将考虑获得优秀奖学金. 我们录取的学生中大约有5%获得了优秀奖学金. These are released at the same time as the admission offer.


如果申请人选择了考试成绩考虑,我们将审查最好的超分SAT. 对于ACT,我们不做超级评分,而是考察最佳的ACT综合分数.

Latest date to have scores considered

Early Action: October exam
Early Decision I: October exam
Early Decision II: December exam
Regular Decision: December exam

Institutional Codes

SAT 4072
ACT 0498
TOEFL 4072

Contact Us

Office of Admission

14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: (719) 389-6344
Fax: (719) 389-6816

Office of Financial Aid & Student Employment

14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: (719) 389-6651
Fax: (719) 389-6173

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/15/2023